One of the core values of the club is around Community Engagement. This means contributing to something bigger than just the club. Below are some examples of areas we have been involved in
Medical Prescription Delivery
Shortly after the pandemic first hit in 2020 RLSCC members came together to deliver prescriptions to self-isolating patients in Warwick and the surrounding villages. Many Club riders volunteered to do the deliveries, and over the course of the first few months of the pandemic, hundreds of deliveries were made and over 1000 miles were covered by bike. RLSCC worked with Budbrooke Medical Centre, who carried out the necessary liaison
with the various doctors surgeries. The temporary initiative was launched while waiting for
the huge NHS volunteer call-up to be up and running.
Social Prescribing
The Club has shown its support for mental wellbeing by trailing the National Time to Talk Day, and we were instrumental in promoting and facilitating a Mental Health Awareness (MHA) workshop, to which we also invited neighbouring Clubs Warwick Lanterne Rouge and Kenilworth Wheelers. This MHA workshop, run by the council Thinkactive group, was well attended, with members from all three clubs present.
The aim of the MHA workshop was to enhance understanding of mental wellbeing generally, the benefits physical activity has on mental wellbeing, and also advise on how to include support and diminish barriers for someone with mental wellbeing difficulties that may
already be attending a club, or for such new members. Following this, the Club agreed to
become part of the local sport social prescribing project. Lanterne Rouge are also doing so.
Put simply, social prescribing can encourage people to live healthier, happier, more active
lives, by - in the case of Cycling Clubs - offering a physical activity in a friendly and social
environment. Clubs and organisations taking part in this project will be made known to local
GPs and other health service professionals, who may refer their clients to us.
Newbold Comyn
After a lengthy consultation period, Warwick District Council (WDC) have now created the draft masterplan, which includes a variety of cycle tracks across the old golf course, as well as other facilities to cater for other sports.
As a club made up of local residents and cyclists we see huge potential and social benefit of having a safe and accessible cycling facility nearby. Various members of the club have been instrumental in joining the debate around planning of the facility, assisting Warwick District Council in seeking funding outside of taxpayers money and using local knowledge to influence the design of the trails to best make use of the land and minimise potential disruption for other users of Newbold Comyn