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What is Kidical Mass

If you ask any adult cyclist what their main frustration is, up there in the top 10 ten is vulnerability,.

For children, exposure is ten times worse, without any experience of near misses before realising what the do and don'ts are.

I suppose the real question is why they should have to.

In case you have not heard, there is a movement that has been moving under the radar of the national press that is sweeping the world called Kidical Mass.

They are trying to raise awareness on a mass scale of the dangers of cycling on the road for kids.

The last event happened on the 14th and 15th of May and over 200 cities did a mass demonstration.

At the event, scores and scores of children took to the strry cycling on the road in one mass. As you would expect, children were accompanied by adults.

Our Local Hero

You may be surprised to hear that there was also a demonstration in Witnash in Leamington Spa on this date. The organiser of this was one of Leamington Heroes, Simon Storey.

If you have heard about Simon, you will know he has been championing road safety for Children with the Bike Bus.

Bike Bus locally is organised by Simon, just like a School bus but with an adult on a cycle, on the road to pick up points and acts as a guardian to cycle with a small group of children to their local school.

On the last Kidicall mass, a couple of RLSCC Rides including Nial Furguson and David Pew took part in the demonstration block off the roads to make it safe for the children to pass.

As you will agree, we need more people to help Road Riders and Mountain Bikers with this event.

On the 25th September, three of the RLCSS Heroes David Colls, Julian Harding and Dave Pew are organising a mountain bike ride on Sunday morning, which will end up at the start of the Kidicall mass to help out.

Well, after all this is about road safety, so we need road riders as well.

The RLSCC is calling on all its members to help out.

Please help out contact

Please get in touch with any of us to see how you can help


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